Wanna see MORE HOT GUYS?

Thanks to every one pledging their contributions to our Patreon for the next photo shoots… This has been a process.. But a necessary one. Since I haven’t been able to do as many shoots as I used to without a permanent residence I’ve been living mainly on my writers income..which as most of you writers know in the past few months continues to diminish. I kept hoping to make enough to start up the photography again…but no go… and Dirk had been hoping for the two of us to work together…and possibly get a studio/apartment by the time he was out of school. No go again. On top of that his mom gave him an ulitimatum that if we didn’t have anything going, he would have to take the job with a studio his Grandmama lined up for him in Houston. (Yes.. he went into a panic.) So we decided to try the Patreon thingie… we figured if we didn’t ask for much, but just enough so we could get the shoots kickstarted again..we had a chance… so that’s the deal…. If you’d like to help you can contribute as little or as much as you like… every bit helps us closer to the goal… we’d like to be able to start shooting again next month… smoochers…

2 thoughts on “Wanna see MORE HOT GUYS?

  1. Nope. Want you and Dirk to achieve ‘some’ dreams, so fingers crossed that my (any) contribution will help you both 🙂

    Total ** hugs**


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